Direct mail is an affordable way to promote your company to people that are most interested in your products and services. A mail campaign can be adapted to fit your market's goals and needs, at a reasonable price and still you can grow your popularity on the market.
We know that every company is different and is expecting different outcomes from direct mail campaigns, that's why we put huge effort to realize exactly what your targets are. We handle mailings for clients who require anything from a few thousand to over a million mailings annually from our two facilities. Besides, we can mail just about anything that you can imagine.
When you assume the volume of work needed for storing, designing, addressing, wrapping, sorting and folding, not to mention the printing as one of the most important tasks in the entire process, the project becomes endless. Therefore, It is always more profitable to hire only one mail fulfilment company. Besides, a direct mail campaign comes in all sizes for different budget potentials.
The quality of the printed flyers, catalogues and brochures in the last few years results with higher quality and more custom-made pieces according to the requirements of every single customer. Packaging services have progressed as well. Consolidated pack and post, a packaging company from Sydney, offers everything from direct mail packaging and printing together with folding and wrapping, sorting and labelling, meaning your company only deals with one mail Fulfilment Company. This is the easiest way to target the right customers and you only need to contact only one company who can handle the entire direct mail campaign and everything that is needed to achieve success.
With an eye – catching and high quality packaging products we can truly attract new customers. You only need to decide the volume of mail pieces and we are here to deliver them all to any customer out there. You are free to visit Consolidatedpack.com.au and check out what options we are offering for the progress and the success of your company.
Don’t lose the ability to brand your business with an exclusive logo design. Depending on your business goals and how much money you are willing to spend, we are fully equipped to handle all of your advertising needs.
Furthermore, we have a tracking system for distribution of the existing mails in our warehouse. We are capable to bring huge benefits from a single mail campaign, by knowing how much stock has left in our warehouse for future use. We can track mails so precisely and we can tell on what day it is delivered, so you will know exactly when to expect responses.
Personalized direct mail campaign can bring only positive impact for your business in creating relationships between you and your potential customers. It’s certainly an effective business strategy to deliver goods without any sort of damage or without any delay. You only need to find the right service provider that can undertake the full service while the costs can be minimized in this way. If you haven’t tried Direct Mail Fulfilment to your business, now is the right time to beat your competitors around.